A push by Harald Mahrer, President of the Chamber of Commerce, for open business in the pre-Christmas period caused the waves to surge last week. The business representative got rejections from all sides, even from his own ranks. Even the population cannot get much out of the proposal. In a marketing survey of 500 people, the majority (65 percent) spoke out against opening on the last two Sundays in Advent.
Three quarters of those questioned would not even use the opportunity to shop on Sunday. Although more than a third see the additional sales as an advantage for retailers, negative effects on the family life of retail employees outweigh this for almost 60 percent.
If Sunday opening were to come, respondents would be most likely to shop in grocery stores (68 percent), drugstores or perfumeries (43 percent) and in fashion and shoe stores (42 percent). However, the opening of the stationary stores on Sundays would not be an incentive for the majority to shop more in the stores instead of online.
hp, Source: ORF.at/agencies. picture: pixabay.com
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